Hey everyone! As we roll into week four, I am excited to share with you my newly improved Second Grade classroom! After two years with the same bulletin boards and colors in my room, I decided I needed some change! I started by pulling out our school ladder and began by attacking my giant bulletin board.
At my school, I am blessed with super tall ceilings. They make my classroom feel extremely large and the windows let in awesome natural light. The downside is that one of my bulletin boards is colossal! As you can see in the picture on the left, I have to use a 20 foot ladder to reach the top! Now if you've never done it before, trying to hold paper just right while you staple it and balance on a very tall ladder is absolutely terrifying!! So as you can imagine... I don't get the ladder out all that often. ;)
But unfortunately this summer... it couldn't be avoided. Although I wanted to keep my school's Mission Tree and my Last Supper board, the paper behind them was beginning to fade. So, I had to pull down the entire board and redo it. In the process, I decided to shorten the tree and condense the Last Supper, so that it would allow for me to move my Writing wall to this side of the classroom. It took me way longer than I expected, but I think it looks awesome with all their work on it! Here, you can see their "Can you Guess the Second Grader?" projects for Back to School night.
From left to right you'll see my ST Math board, my blue information board, two clotheslines with student work, my Vocabulary/Word Wall, and my All Star Readers board. You can also see my "Back to School Board" above the sink!

Here's a close up of it! I ended up adding my students' names to the soccer balls! The soccer girl in the bulletin board is actually my sister! She's played soccer all her life and currently plays in college. I thought it would be a fun touch! Little did I know though, that my brother would be disappointed that he wasn't included! lol!

In this picture below, you can see my view when looking from my reading groups table. I love my little kidney table because it allows for me to see everything! You can see my classroom door, and our classroom cabinets, as well as my back table and every student desk in the room.

On the cabinets is where I hang more student work! Each student makes an "I am poem" during the first two weeks of school. I type them up and add their first day of school picture to them. We laminate them and keep them on the cabinets all year long. Next to their poem is where I hang some of their new work each month! I also hang work on the front cabinets and in the windows of our classroom!
Last but not least... you can see what the front of my classroom looks like. I've divided my whiteboard into three sections. The first is where I keep the "I can" or focused objective that we're currently working on, the date, our progress in ST Math and my reading groups. The second section is used as just a typical white board or can using an apple tv be projected on. And the third section is our Long Term Target board. I write our long term objective for each subject, so that students can see what we're working towards. We reflect on how our learning is progressing and what else we need to do to achieve such mastery.
Finally, if you look above the board, you are able see one of my favorite additions to my classroom, the vinyl quote of the year! Our school wide theme is "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." I learned how to use my cricut this summer and was extremely excited to make this.
So yes! Sorry about the long post! But I hope you enjoyed getting a sneak peek into my room! I'm looking forward to posting more photos throughout the year of the work we create and the learning and fun that we have!
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